A recent poll by Centrify revealed that employees who become distracted at work are more likely to pose a security risk to the business.
The data reveals more than a third (35%) of respondents said distractions and boredom are the main causes of human error, while other causes include heavy workloads (19%), excessive policies and compliance regulations (5%), social media (5%) and password sharing (4%). Worryingly, 8% believe human error is caused by not recognising data security responsibilities in the workplace.
With these findings in mind, we’ve put together a list of recommendations for businesses looking to ensure complete data security for their business.
Educate staff on data management
Each individual working for your business needs to be educated on data management, along with the disposal of data and data protection. What’s more, the workforce needs to understand how these data security practices can benefit the business and not pose a threat. For instance, data governance tools can establish clear accountability for the management of data across the entire business, while allowing employees to measure the impact of effective data management.
Provide consistent processes
The management and destruction of important data needs to be strictly enforced, and the rules should be consistent across the business. This will be easier to achieve by seeking buy-in from senior management and employees who have influence over their colleagues. You should invest time into educating and supporting key stakeholders, encouraging them to champion best practice.
Clearly map out processes
Once the policies have been agreed, they not only need to be readily available for anyone who wants to find out more, but they should also be clear and easy to understand. Processing for disposing of data need to be mapped out clearly, and in a manner that meets regulatory compliance. This can be made much easier if businesses use technology to support employees on the road to compliance, guiding them through the vital processes and ensuring that the necessary data checks are in place.
Educate yourself on regulations
All new policies and data security activity should be introduced in line with top industry regulations - for instance GDPR. Ensure your data destruction and disposal solution is compliant with these standards, particularly if it is managed by a third-party partner.
Technology is crucial to the long-term sustainability of any business, and, while the amount of data processed and managed by any business continues to grow, there will be an increased need to incorporate software and hardware into the business’s data management and operating procedures.
Having technology in place to support data security practices will work to ease the burden of compliance that some businesses feel while allowing members of staff to focus on their job, providing value to the company itself and customers simultaneously.
Having the right technology in place will not offer the perfect solution if members of staff are not trained adequately. Technology should be treated as a tool to enhance existing data security procedures, data management and data destruction processes.
Get in touch
Discuss data security for your business with an experienced team of experts by calling Evaris on 0330 124 1245, or email [email protected].